Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

It has been a little while since I posted a blog, I am sorry about that. This week has been going pretty smooth. All around, Aiden is stable and comfterable. He is napping and sleeping pretty well. Thursday he really started getting his personality back. He was talking up a storm and yellin at the nurses and doctors when he was mad. That was my favorite day!! Since then, he has just continued to talk. Which is nice, once they took the ventilator out, he didnt really talk that much. They have done a few chest x-ray's (( including one today))..everyone keeps getting better. Right now they are trying to window him from his bipap during the day, then keep him on it just at night. He is doing well, he is getting 2, 90 minute windows today off the bipap machine. They will keep doing xrays to make sure his lungs are tolerating it okay. Other than that, there has just been a lot of suctioning being done. Monday, Jeff & I have a meeting with Doctor Wong and her team, the lung doctors, and the dietitians. They are going to sit down and explain Aidens plans for home. They will tell us what we need to do to keep him healthy and alive. They will also address any questions that we have about his care, if you have any questions you would like me to ask shoot me an email. ..I would be glad to ask any questions anyone else has.
Today is Halloween :) Jeff is here visiting and i am telling you--Aiden doesn't even act like im here! lol i know hes been spending time with me all week, now he cannot take his eyes off daddy!! Anytime Jeffs out of his site, he cries. He is all dressed up as a lion today :) VERRYY CUTE LION BY THE WAY! LOL.. Since he will not get to go trick-or-treating, jeff and i bought him a bag of dumb dumbs, they are pretty small for him to hold onto so i tape them to his chapstick! lol he doesn't let that thing out of his site neither! Jeff learned his suctioning today, cough assist, and some CPT. He will have to be done with all his training before we go home so today was a big day for daddy!! I just want everyone to know how thankful I am to be blessed with such a great life. I could not ask for a better soon to be husband and son. I truely could not be happier...even if aiden is sick..he is the best thing that has ever happened to me, right along with jeff :)





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